I came across this replica chanel watches and really like the face. As others have mentioned, it has its failings. The crystal is beveled outwards which makes it prone to scratching. The crowns aren't protected by the casing like my other discount replica chopard watches. The bezel is difficult to turn and requires my finger nail to turn it. I wish the face was dark black vs the darker shade of gray that it is. Also, the date is difficult for ME to read unless I have my glasses on.
I have to agree with the other boys...this CASIO is a great bargain to buy replica gucci watches with a stiff, lousy strap. However, change the strap for a silicone one, and you have a $200 dive watch that you can live life in and not worry about ruining. First off, it looks great on the wrist. I leave it on at the amusement park, while washing the car, and the pool/beach. If you are in or near reading glasses range, replica ed hardy watches are very readable, and the light is great at the movies, et al. When yo have kids, it gets whacked on the crystal a lot, but so far, no scratches. You could spend a lot more, but why bother?