I came across this replica chanel watches and really like the face. As others have mentioned, it has its failings. The crystal is beveled outwards which makes it prone to scratching. The crowns aren't protected by the casing like my other discount replica chopard watches. The bezel is difficult to turn and requires my finger nail to turn it. I wish the face was dark black vs the darker shade of gray that it is. Also, the date is difficult for ME to read unless I have my glasses on.
For the price this is a good watch. i have been wearing it every day to work for about 3 mo. and my replica gucci watches for sale get banged around. no scratches at all. it keeps good time and is a good looking piece. the only complaint is the band is not that flexable or soft like my 18 yr old G-shock (another good watch). the light that illuminates the face is another great replica watches. lights up great. my eyes are bad i need to squint or get glasses to see the date. i plan on having this watch for along time. It is a heavy quality made product. I have found myself wearing it all the time now. It is very rugged for my purpose and yet it still looks great for a night out on the town. I can't believe I got it that cheap. I'm purchasing another one just in case I ever wear this thing out. Better get it now.., they never continue to make the good stuff for long.